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Web Design

Responsive website - Desktop, Tablet, Mobile

The website you are looking at now is completely hand-coded using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript on a Bootstrap framework to structure the site to work correctly on mobile, tablet and desktop. Besides the actual design of the site, a designer or developer must always keep in mind that the user is the first consideration when making decisions about the look, feel and general flow of the site. Who is the audience? What do they want to accomplish on the site? What are they here for and what makes them abandon the experience and curse at you? click through the carousel to the right to see examples of some of the web design projects I've been working on.

Website Links

Big Disclaimer!

Websites are fluid, evolving organisms, so the screen shots I am displaying may look different when you visit the site today. Also, some websites just have a certain shelf life. The California League of Women Voter's Voting Guide was only up for the particular election year.

HD Supply Solutions

HD Supply is a huge $1 Billion/year eCommerce website. More than half of their $2 Billion comes in from the website. With a site like this, no one person does it all. I worked on the web design team creating landing pages, promotional emails and campaigns, worked as a liaison to the marketing and IT departments, and as the designer for the analytics team conducting A/B and Multivariant tests to determine best user experience.

First5 Sacramento Dental

The link is to a web archive, so keep that in mind while viewing. Working with NonProfit Communications, I developed a Wordpress video sharing site with parent resources for underprivileged populations in the Sacramento, CA area to help gain access to dental services. This site had four different languages that you could choose from within the header.

California League of Women Voters Voting Guide

This link is to a web achieve, so keep that in mind while viewing. Working with NonProfit Communications, I developed a Wordpress site with the goal of getting out the vote. It had many resources for the user including voting locations, voter registration look up and sample ballots.

First5 Fresno Advocacy Group

Working with NonProfit Communications, I developed a Wordpress site with the goal of providing families and community organizations a place to find resources and information about programs available to them in their area.